In the thrilling Season 2 finale of "Life on Top," all the cliffhangers that have been left dangling are tied up in one sexy bow. What was up with Vincent's phone call at the farm? Will Peter and Tippi work out? Will Avi cash in on the corporate espionage he commissioned in the season premiere? What was the last item on Regina's sexual bucket list? Will Bella give up nude modeling to pursue a career as a photographer? Did anyone bother to plan out this season or did the writers suddenly remember they had a million dangling plot threads?
Porn Minus Porn is a live recording of Under the Gun Theater's recreation of a script from the adult Cinemax series, "Life on Top." The actors received their scripts only after stepping on stage
This show's cast: Ben Bowman, Sam Howard, Claire Swanson, Jennifer Kaesheimer, Allison Reese, Catharine Savage, Kevin Mullaney, Sam Kyker, Tim Lee, Greg Callozzo and Adam Shalzi.
Porn Minus Porn is a production of 5th Quarter Media